Your employee equity plans are a key tool to attract, and even more importantly, retain the talent you need to support your company’s goals. But for your plans to work for you in this way, you need to successfully:

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    Easily engage employees

    Equity plans only work when employees understand them, value them and can easily engage with them.

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    Focus on people priorities

    Hand off the day-to-day tasks to focus on your strategic people priorities.

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    Plan for all possibilities

    As your company grows and evolves, the equity plans you offer must grow with you.

Is it time to outsource your equity plans administration?

Outsourcing the administration of your employee equity plans has many benefits. But before you take the plunge, read this article to find out if the time is right for you.

Read article

Easily engage emplo​yees

The best designed employee equity plans only work when the participants understand the value of what is being offered and can easily manage those plans. With Computershare, your plan participants will have access to the education tools and service solutions they need to do exactly that:

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    Flexible account management

    • 24/7 account access on any device

    • Bilingual online support, plus phone support in more than 140 languages

    • Payments in 140+ currencies for sales

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    Manage vested awards and ESPP purchases

    • No brokerage account needed to hold and sell shares

    • Market and limit orders

    • Deposit sales proceeds in domestic or international bank

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    Custom communications

    • Fully customized communication campaigns tailored to your plan types, your participants and your corporate culture

How engaged are employees with your equity plans?

If you want the plans you offer to attract and retain top talent, you need to ensure your employees are engaged with those plans. Read this article on the top five ways to engage your employees with your equity plans.

Read article

Focus on people priorities

Plans are a great tool for attracting and retaining talent, but you can't spend your days managing the minutiae of those plans. You need to stay focused on your strategic people priorities. With Computershare, you've got a partner to take on the day-to-day so you can focus on what matters.

Dedicated account management team
Your dedicated account management team
  • Relationship Manager – Oversees strategic direction and management of your plans and assists with the development and delivery of communication materials.
  • Client Service Manager – Go-to person for day-to-day plans administration tasks.
  • Client Service Professional – Monitors operational aspects of your plans, such as transactions, call center and more.
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    Tools that make it easier for you to administer your plans

    When you need (or want) to do things yourself, you'll have access to a suite of tools to help you manage your plans – produce fully customizable administrative reports, adjust and correct individual participant or grant data, view a read-only version of participant accounts to assist with questions, generate fully-auditable, IFRS- and US-GAAP-compliant financial reports, and more.


Plan for all ​​possibilities

As your company grows and evolves, so too will your needs for talent. The plans you offer have to evolve right alongside those needs. However your company may change, Computershare has the expertise, experience and flexibility to grow and change with you.

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    Going global

    With offices in 20 countries, Computershare offers you global expertise through local support and guidance. With Computershare you can offer a seamless cross-border equity plan solution that fits your growth strategy.

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    Corporate events

    Whether it's an M&A, spinoff, stock split or some other major event, your equity plans won't miss a beat. We'll help you revalue your current plans, and launch plans to employees added through an M&A.

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    Changing talent needs

    You'll have access to the latest benchmarking data and best practices to ensure the plans you offer continue to be optimally designed to advance your talent strategy.


Ready to get started?

If you're ready to outsource the plans you manage in-house, find a provider for new plans being offered, or switch to a vendor motivated to help you advance your talent strategy, let us know. Fill out the form below to speak to one of our employee equity plans experts.

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*Includes Computershare Canada Inc., Georgeson Shareholder Communications Canada Inc., Computershare Governance Services Ltd. and their majority owned subsidiaries operating in Canada (collectively referred to as "Computershare Canada").