Please select your profile:

I am an investor, a shareholder, or a plan participant​​

I am a corporate client


I am an investor, a shareholder, or a plan participant

1. If you are one of our client’s investors, or a shareholder, a plan participant or any other individual customer, you may discuss your issue with a customer service representative in our call center resolutions team. You can reach a representative at 1-800-564-6253. Alternatively, you may email​ (be advised that internet email is not a secure method of communication).

2. If you are not satisfied with the solution provided by our representative, ask to have your issue escalated. You will be referred to a supervisor who will review your issue with a fresh set of eyes. It is important you complete this step before moving forward.

If your issue is still not resolved to your satisfaction, a representative of the President’s Office will be pleased to assist you. Please write to:

Office of the President
100 University Avenue, 8th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1

In your letter, please include your name, mailing/email address or fax number, telephone number, the nature of your issue or complaint and details relevant to the matter (dates, contacts, etc.).  If you are still not satisfied with the response you received, you may contact the Computershare Ombudsman. 

3. The Computershare Ombudsman does not review issues or complaints that have not completed the previous steps. Once at this stage, please indicate whom you have previously contacted and why you disagree with their decision(s). The Computershare's Ombudsman's principal function is to review the merits of any complaint objectively and impartially. Please write to:

Computershare Ombudsman
100 University Avenue, 8th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1

After the Computershare Ombudsman’s review, you will receive a written response, except in some cases where a simple problem can be cleared up quickly and to your satisfaction over the phone. Most investigations are completed within 30 days of receiving all required information from you. If this deadline cannot be met, you will be contacted and informed why the extra time is necessary and when you can expect a response.

The written response from the Ombudsman’s Office is considered Computershare’s final position on your issue or complaint. Unless you present any new and relevant information that was not previously reviewed, the case will not be reopened.

If you remain dissatisfied with the Ombudsman’s Office’s final position and wish to pursue your issue or complaint further, there are several regulatory and industry bodies available to you free of charge, depending on the product or service involved and your province of residence. These third parties will usually decline to review your issue or complaint until after the Computershare Ombudsman has done so and will only review escalations related to products or services offered by federally regulated financial institutions, such as Computershare Trust Company of Canada (CTCC) and Computershare Advantage Trust of Canada (CATC). Please see below:

For Quebec residents:

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is the body mandated by the government of Quebec to regulate the province’s financial markets and provide assistance to consumers of financial products and services. At any time after Step 2 of our Customer Complaint Process (but preferably after Step 3), you can ask CTCC or CATC to send a copy of your complaint file to the AMF by completing a Request for the Transfer of a File form. This form, and other information about the AMF, is available on their website at

The AMF’s mailing address is:

Autorité des marchés financiers
Service du traitment des plaintes et de l’assistance
800, square Victoria, 22e étage
C.P. 246, tour de la Bourse
Montréal (Québec) H4Z 1G3

Residents of all other provinces:

The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI)

If the above steps do not resolve your concern, you can consider escalating the matter further. The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments, who is independent from CTCC and CATC, provides an impartial process for the investigation and resolution of financial services complaints for clients of financial services providers who are either small businesses or individuals.

The OBSI’s mailing address is:

Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments
401 Bay Street, Suite 1505
P.O. Box 5
Toronto, ON M5H 2Y4
Telephone: 1-888-451-4519
Fax: 1-888-422-2865

For issues or complaints regarding federal consumer provisions:

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) supervises federally regulated financial institutions, such as CTCC and CATC, to ensure they comply with federal consumer protection laws (or “consumer provisions”). The FCAC focuses on compliance and enforcement, and does not provide compensation or get involved in individual disputes. For more information about the FCAC, please visit the FCAC’s website at

If you have a complaint about a regulatory matter, you can contact the FCAC in writing at:

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
6th Floor, Enterprise Building
427 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1B9
Telephone: 1-866-461-3222

The FCAC will determine whether a financial institution is in compliance. It will not, however, resolve individual consumer complaints.

Note: Among the consumer provisions that apply to trust companies are those requiring them to:

  • have complaint handling procedures in place;
  • join an independent complaint resolution body (such as the OBSI);

and requirements for them to provide consumers with information about:

  • interest and charges applicable to deposit accounts (not applicable to current Computershare products and services); and
  • how to contact the FCAC when they have a complaint about the company’s compliance with a consumer provision.


I am a Corporate Client

If you are one of our corporate clients, contact your relationship manager to discuss your concern. If you are unsure whom to contact, you may email (be advised that internet email is not a secure method of communication).

2. If you are not satisfied with the solution provided by your relationship manager, ask to have your issue escalated. You will be referred to a team leader, manager or consultant who will review your issue with a fresh set of eyes. It is important you complete this step before moving forward.  

If your issue is still not resolved to your satisfaction, a representative of the President’s Office will be pleased to assist you. Please write to:

Office of the President
100 University Avenue, 8th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1

In your letter, please include your name, mailing/email address or fax number, telephone number, the nature of your issue or complaint and details relevant to the matter (dates, contacts, etc.).  If you are still not satisfied, you may contact the Computershare Ombudsman.

3. The Computershare Ombudsman does not review issues or complaints that have not completed the previous steps. Once at this stage, please indicate whom you have previously contacted and why you disagree with their decision(s). The Computershare's Ombudsman's principal function is to review the merits of any complaint objectively and impartially. Please write to:

Computershare Ombudsman
100 University Avenue, 8th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5J 2Y1

After the Computershare Ombudsman’s review, you will receive a written response, except in some cases where a simple problem can be cleared up quickly and to your satisfaction over the phone. Most investigations are completed within 30 days of receiving all required information from you. If this deadline cannot be met, you will be contacted and informed why the extra time is necessary and when you can expect a response.

The written response from the Ombudsman’s Office is considered Computershare’s final position on your issue or complaint. Unless you present any new and relevant information that was not previously reviewed, the case will not be reopened.

4. If you remain dissatisfied with the Ombudsman’s Office’s final position and wish to pursue your issue or complaint further, there are several regulatory and industry bodies available to you free of charge, depending on the product or service involved and your province of residence. These third parties will usually decline to review your issue or complaint until after the Computershare Ombudsman has done so and will only review escalations related to products or services offered by federally regulated financial institutions, such as Computershare Trust Company of Canada (CTCC) and Computershare Advantage Trust of Canada (CATC). Please see below for the appropriate entity:

For Quebec residents:

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) is the body mandated by the government of Quebec to regulate the province’s financial markets and provide assistance to consumers of financial products and services. At any time after Step 2 of our Customer Complaint Process (but preferably after Step 3), you can ask CTCC or CATC to send a copy of your complaint file to the AMF by completing a Request for the Transfer of a File form. This form, and other information about the AMF, is available on their website at

The AMF’s mailing address is:

Autorité des marchés financiers
Service du traitment des plaintes et de l’assistance
800, square Victoria, 22e étage
C.P. 246, tour de la Bourse
Montréal (Québec) H4Z 1G3

Residents of all other provinces:

The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI)

If the above steps do not resolve your concern, you can consider escalating the matter further. The Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments, who is independent from CTCC and CATC, provides an impartial process for the investigation and resolution of financial services complaints for clients of financial services providers who are either small businesses or individuals.

The OBSI’s mailing address is:

Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments
401 Bay Street, Suite 1505
P.O. Box 5
Toronto, ON M5H 2Y4
Telephone: 1-888-451-4519
Fax: 1-888-422-2865

For issues or complaints regarding federal consumer provisions:

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) supervises federally regulated financial institutions, such as CTCC, to ensure they comply with federal consumer protection laws (or “consumer provisions”). The FCAC focuses on compliance and enforcement, and does not provide compensation or get involved in individual disputes. For more information about the FCAC, please visit the FCAC’s website at

If you have a complaint about a regulatory matter, you can contact the FCAC in writing at:

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
6th Floor, Enterprise Building
427 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1B9
Telephone: 1-866-461-3222

The FCAC will determine whether a financial institution is in compliance. It will not, however,resolve individual consumer complaints.

Note:  Among the consumer provisions that apply to trust companies are those requiring them to:

  • have complaint handling procedures in place;
  • join an independent complaint resolution body (such as the OBSI);

and requirements for them to provide consumers with information about:

  • interest and charges applicable to deposit accounts (not applicable to current Computershare products and services); and
  • ​how to contact the FCAC when they have a complaint about the company’s compliance with a consumer provision.

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