​Helping you to comply with regulatory requirements

​​Our Financial Crime Rules Engine (FCRE) is designed to help you comply with current and future regulatory requirements, such as Anti-Money Laundering (AML) rules and FCA requirements, relating to customer screening and transaction monitoring.

Managing financial crime risk and complying with rules and regulations are a high priority for businesses operating in the financial services sector. Criminals are using increasingly sophisticated tools to discover vulnerabilities and exploit them, and the regulatory landscape is changing to reflect this.

Within the British banking industry, companies have been fined millions of pounds for breaching AML rules. We support the management of risk and provide intelligent end-to-end solutions that help reduce the existing and emerging problems that continue to grow in scale and complexity, impacting financial institutions.​

Customer insight

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    Risk management

    We perform regular assessment of financial crime risks throughout the organisation, ensuring risks are managed effectively.

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    Operations and investigation

    Our case management system acts as a holistic solution for Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), Compliance with Law Enforcement requests and high-risk monitoring, providing a single view to any investigation so an appropriate assessment can be made.

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    Transaction monitoring

    We have the ability to tailor individual rules to meet your firms' risk-based approach. Our flexible system allows us to execute daily alerts, giving you insight into customer behaviour, transactions and activities.

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    Customer screening

    • Conduct one-off or daily customer screening

    • Screen against a variety of sanction lists including but not limited to HMT, OFAC and PEPs

    • Supports compliance with AML legislation

Professional servicing

Helping you improve your portfolio's performance.

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