The New Zealand ASM landscape continued to evolve throughout 2023 with issuers feeling the pressure to lift their standards across several key areas.

Significant changes to listed companies’ sustainability and climate-related reporting requirements were established at both national and global levels during 2023. These new reporting requirements, which come into effect in 2024, will not only impact the way issuers report on ESG factors, but also how companies integrate those considerations into their business strategies and operations.

Throughout 2023, Computershare supported our clients to deliver over 85 ASMs


There was a decline in shareholder participation at ASMs during 2023, with 87% of in-person meetings recording less than 50 attendees.


New Zealand continues to lead the way with over 60% of our clients utilising the hybrid meeting format. Hybrid meetings are actively encouraged by the market, including by the New Zealand Shareholders Association.

To explore essential insights and key governance trends from the 2023 meetings season, download Computershare and Georgeson’s 2024 AGM Intelligence Report today.

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2024 ASM Intelligence Report.

Exploring emerging meeting and governance trends in New Zealand throughout 2023

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