When you ask companies what they think is the key to the success of their employee stock purchase plans (ESPP), most will say a strong communication strategy is high on the list. This is because an organization could offer one of best plans out there, but if employees don’t know about it or don’t understand how it works, they won’t participate.

If your company is global and offers your ESPP in different regions, it can be helpful to centralize your communications program. This will ensure a consistent message is being communicated to all employees, no matter where they are, and it also eliminates duplication of effort across regions.

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    Tailor your message to your audience

    Your workforce is likely comprised of different demographic groups that have unique concerns at every life stage. Younger workers may want to pay off student loans or save for a home, some may be putting money away for a child’s education, and older employees may be thinking about retirement. Consider developing unique content streams with collateral and communications targeted to these different groups.

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    Use multiple communication channels

    People like to consume information in different ways, so it’s good to use a variety of message formats to reach employees – email, text, videos, blogs, social media, microsite and town hall meetings are just a few examples.

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    Communicate early and often

    Occasional communications aren’t enough to keep your ESPP top of mind with employees, nor is simply including ESPP information during the onboarding session for new hires. If you’re not communicating about the plan, it could lead to the perception among employees it’s just not a priority within the organization. Be sure to schedule regular communications about the benefits of enrolling in the program.

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    Educate ESPP experts in each region

    The nature of offering a global plan is that each region has varying laws and regulatory requirements, not to mention different languages. In addition to ongoing communications, be sure to have experts in each region that have been trained on all aspects of the plan to help employees with any questions about enrolling in the ESPP or transacting after they’ve joined.

Create an ENGAGE-ing ESPP communication campaign

If your company finds launching a communication program daunting or would like a turnkey solution to streamline communications and increase employee engagement, Computershare can help.

Our ENGAGE program uses a templated system designed specifically for ESPPs. It allows you to deliver all the communications you need to promote the value of your ESPP with minimal input. With ENGAGE, you can launch your communication campaign in as little as six weeks.

How ENGAGE Works

Implementing ENGAGE is a simple three-step process:

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    1. Select your theme

    Choose a base package of communications from five distinct styles.

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    2. Choose your add-ons

    Create more of a bang with a flexible range of additional communications.

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    3. Launch your campaign

    Watch your equity plan performance soar as we manage your campaign end-to-end.

Tailoring The ENGAGE communications to fit your brand is easier than starting a campaign from scratch, and the templates can be easily configured to your brand guidelines. Our team will work with you to find a cost-effective solution to suit your budget. This seamless process can be managed as part of your wider communication program.

To learn more about ENGAGE Share Plan Communications and how this program can improve participation in your ESPP, visit computershare.com/engage or complete the form.

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