Computershare has built a full-service transfer agency solution for alternative investments.
It's time to work with a partner who can deliver a suite of solutions that align with the broader needs of your offering.
It's time for a better alternative.
If you're looking for full service, you've come to the right place.
Our commitment to continuous innovation for alternative investments allows us to deliver compelling solutions designed to help you achieve the highest level of investor participation and satisfaction in your program. Our full-service solution includes:
Initial shareowner subscription, escrow, disbursements, reinvestments, redemptions, upfront & trailing commissions, and M&A processing
Intuitive web portals and dedicated support teams for custodians and financial advisors
Web-based solution for Share Repurchase Programs
Order processing and settlement files with DTCC's AIP and other third parties
Data aggregation for the consolidation of assets under management
Contact our team to discuss your needs and learn how Computershare's transfer agency solutions can set up your alternative investments program for success.