2024 was a calm year for FTSE listed issuers and investors alike

Amid a continuing cost-of-living crisis, slow economic growth and political change, the majority of issuers have seen a relatively calm meeting season with less physical activism and reduced dissent.

There continues to be a strong focus on environmental matters with investors seeking greater and greater clarity from issuers about what they are doing, and how targets and activities are impacting the overall health and future of the organisation.

Throughout 2024, we witnessed the level of dissent against remuneration reports drop 13% across the FTSE 100 AGMs

  • UK-AGM-2024-Meeting-Format

    There has been a continuation seen in the last few years of issuers preferring in-person meetings which are often enhanced with digital engagement solutions. While the preference for hybrid meetings is high for FTSE 100 companies, this isn’t the case for other indices.

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