Many lenders find it hard to complete a loan application without continual requests to the broker or originator for additional documents. It’s a manual process that takes time and resources that can leave good applications sitting in a queue while processing teams work through backlogs of incomplete applications.
Computershare’s Loan Evaluation & Automated Processing (LEAP) solution automates the process by checking to ensure all required supporting documentation is present and valid. If not, we chase up the broker or originator for you and submit applications to the assessment team once complete, so the assessment team can spend their time assessing applications, not checking for missing information. Applications can be processed much quicker, delivering a customer experience in line with today’s expectations.
Benefits of automating loan processing
99% accuracy
of data captured and processed meaning less errors
Faster processing
Deliver a decision to applicants in days not weeks
No processing delays when application volumes increase
Computershare use the highest levels of data security management across our company
Helping our clients deliver a great experience
Computershare partners with some of the world’s largest financial institutions to deliver our loan processing solution. By automating the application process, our clients can deliver a decision to their applicant much faster which improves not only their customer experience, but also the experience of their brokers.
By reducing reliance on human touch, scalability for spikes in volumes are easier to manage which means our solution grows with your business while the cost to process each application reduces.
How LEAP works