What are the benefits?
A simple way to reinvest your dividend or distribution to grow your securityholding over time.
You can reinvest either all or part of your dividend or distribution payments into additional fully paid securities in the paying company3.
A simple way to purchase additional securities.
A flat fee of $5.50 inclusive of GST per dividend or distribution payment per enrolled securityholding to purchase additional shares in the paying company.
A convenient way to reinvest future dividend or distribution payments on an ongoing basis4.
Easy online enrolment via Investor Centre. ReINVESTMe is only available to Australian resident retail securityholders using Investor Centre.
How does this work?
ReINVESTMe is offered by Computershare to securityholders of companies that don't offer a Dividend Reinvestment Plan.
Usually, you would receive your dividend or distribution payments in your nominated bank account. When you enrol in Computershare’s ReINVESTMe, we will instead combine dividend or distribution payments of ReINVESTMe participants and engage a broker to purchase additional securities for you on market, in the company in which you’re invested.
Is there a minimum investment amount?
There is no minimum investment amount, but if your dividend or distribution payment isn't enough to cover the purchase of one security (based on the current market price at the time of purchase) we'll hold the payment for the next dividend or distribution payment purchase cycle. You won't be charged any fees if a purchase does not take place. Maximum purchase limits apply – please see the Terms & Conditions for more detail.
How much does it cost?
Use of ReINVESTMe involves a flat fee of $5.50 (inclusive of GST) per dividend or distribution payment per securityholding enrolled in ReINVESTMe. This fee will be automatically deducted from your dividend or distribution before we purchase the securities. We will allocate the purchased securities to your existing securityholding and hold onto any residual dividend or distribution funds for you to use at the next purchase cycle. Maximum purchase limits apply – please see the Terms & Conditions for more detail.
For example: If you have received $100 in dividends or distributions, a flat fee of $5.50 will be deducted and $94.50 will be used to purchase additional securities in the company you're invested in. So, if the security price is $3, you will receive 31 securities in the company and the remaining $1.50 will be used for the next purchase.
How to participate in ReINVESTMe
ReINVESTMe is offered by Computershare and is only available to Australian residents online via Investor Centre. To participate, view the Terms & Conditions, FSG, eligibility criteria and enrol online. Please note: currently shareholdings registered under a custodian nominee are not able to participate in ReINVESTMe.
- Login to Investor Centre and go to Reinvestment Plans (My Profile - Reinvestment Plans)
- Select eligible holding
- Select your level of participation
- Update or select the email address we have on file for you
- Confirm that you have read our ReINVESTMe Terms & Conditions and FSG
- Review your instructions and submit
Case Study
Tom purchased 500 shares in Company A, a listed company in August 2016. In September 2016, Company A paid a dividend of 37 cents per share. Tom could either:
- Reinvest the dividend with Computershare's ReINVESTMe to acquire 6 additional shares; OR,
- Take the dividend as a cash payment of $185.
Tom decided to reinvest his dividends and received 152 new shares in Company A over a 5 year period, increasing his shareholding by 30%.
If Tom had chosen to take his dividends as cash, the number of shares in his portfolio would have remained unchanged at 500 shares.
Dividends earned over 5 years
Payment Date***
Date*** |
Dividend Per Share ($)
DPS ($)
Number of shares allocated from ReINVESTMe
allocated |
Total shares under ReINVESTMe
shares |
9/09/2016 | 0.37 | 6 | 506 |
10/03/2017 | 0.72 | 14 | 520 |
8/09/2017 | 0.46 | 10 | 530 |
9/03/2018 | 0.86 | 17 | 547 |
7/09/2018 | 0.46 | 10 | 557 |
8/03/2019 | 0.91 | 21 | 578 |
6/09/2019 | 0.51 | 8 | 586 |
6/03/2020 | 0.99 | 17 | 603 |
11/09/2020 | 0.9 | 11 | 614 |
12/03/2021 | 1.80 | 23 | 637 |
10/09/2021 | 1.07 | 15 | 652 |
***Note: This illustration is with the assumption Company A continues to pay dividends over 5 year period.
It's easy to get started on your reinvestment journey. If you are an existing user, log into Investor Centre, or if you are a new user simply sign-up.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is ReINVESTMe?
ReINVESTMe is a convenient way to purchase additional securities in the paying company using your dividends or distributions. It is available for certain listed companies managed by Computershare. The fee for ReINVESTMe is a flat fee of $5.50 (inclusive of GST) per dividend or distribution payment per securityholding, and this fee will be deducted from your dividend or distribution before we purchase the securities.
With ReINVESTMe, Computershare will use your dividend or distribution payments3 and engage a broker to purchase additional securities on market on your behalf. The purchase is performed after the payment date and settles on a T+2 basis, like all other market transactions. Following settlement, purchased securities will be allocated to your securityholding. All securityholders of the issuer that are eligible to use ReINVESTMe in relation to the particular payment will receive the same price per security.
Computershare only purchases a whole security on your behalf and therefore there may be unused funds from your dividend or distribution following completion of the purchase event. Computershare will notify you of these residual funds and will hold them for you until the next ReINVESTMe purchase in that listed company. You will continue to receive a Dividend Advice from the company following payment of the dividend or distribution. This advice will note your participation on ReINVESTMe.
Computershare will inform you of the purchase details following settlement of the purchase. Computershare is unable to offer you any legal, investment or tax advice. Please consult with your legal, financial or tax advisor for advice.
Who is eligible to participate in ReINVESTMe?
You must hold securities in certain companies that are ASX listed clients of Computershare, have an Australian registered address and meet any additional eligibility criteria specified in ReINVESTMe’s Terms & Conditions.
To participate in ReINVESTMe, you agree that you provide your email address and subscribe for electronic communications for any type of communication or documents from us and the relevant issuer for each holding that you wish to enrol in ReINVESTMe. Your enrolments and communications with ReINVESTMe must be via Investor Centre. Maximum purchase limits apply. ReINVESTMe will only be applied to two dividends or distributions in a Period and each dividend or distribution must not exceed a maximum of $15,000 per dividend or distribution across all enrolled securityholdings per Company. There are no minimum purchases, however if your nominated dividend or distribution funds are not sufficient to purchase a single security based on the current market price, your entire nominated dividend or distribution will be held until the next ReINVESTMe purchase in that listed company.
Participating securityholders can be Broker Sponsored (CHESS HIN) or Issuer Sponsored (SRN). This is a Computershare service, please direct all queries to Computershare.
How do I apply to participate and what information will I receive?
ReINVESTMe is offered by Computershare and is only available to Australian residents online via Investor Centre.
To participate, view the Terms & Conditions, FSG, eligibility criteria and enrol online:
- Login to Investor Centre and go to Reinvestment Plans (My Profile – Reinvestment Plans)
- Select eligible holding
- Select your level of participation
- Update or select the email address we have on file for you
- Confirm that you have read our ReINVESTMe Terms & Conditions and FSG
- Review your instructions and submit
You will continue to receive a Dividend or Distribution Advice from the company following payment of the dividend or distribution. After the completion of a purchase, a notification will be sent to your nominated email address containing full details of your purchase including the fees deducted, securities purchased, purchase price, and residual dividend or distribution funds retained for the next ReINVESTMe purchase in that company. Please retain this email for your own records as the notification will not be made available on Investor Centre and you may be charged a fee if you require it to be reissued. The additional securities will appear in your holding and Investor Centre portfolio. If you have Broker Sponsored holdings, your broker will also be notified of the increase in securities.
What is the cut-off date for participation?
Your election to participate must be provided by the business day after the record date for a dividend or distribution, as announced by the company. If your election is received after this date, you will not able to participate for the current dividend or distribution. However, your enrolment will apply to the next dividend or distribution (if any). You can amend your participation in ReINVESTMe but any amendment after the election date will take effect for any future payments.
Where can I find ReINVESTMe purchase prices?
You can check your ReINVESTMe purchase prices on your ReINVESTMe Statement and Tax invoice emailed to you. Alternatively, the purchase price(s) are available here.
If you require assistance, contact us on 1300 403 041.
Important notes:
The information on this site is general in nature only and is not intended to constitute general or personal advice. It does not take into account your specific circumstances or needs. You should seek professional advice before choosing to use ReINVESTMe. The price of, and income from, Securities may go down as well as up which may result in you receiving less than you originally invested. Historical performance is no indicator of future performance. We make no recommendations with respect to any Securities or whether you should enrol in or continue to use ReINVESTMe.
1 Where the ASX-listed company is a registry client of Computershare and has agreed for us to provide ReINVESTMe in connection with dividends or distributions that it pays to its securityholders. ReINVESTMe is not available for securities that are subject to any restrictions.
2 Terms & Conditions, Fees and eligibility criteria apply and are also available via Investor Centre. You can access our FSG here.
3 Maximum purchase limits apply. We will hold residual dividends or distributions on your behalf – please see the ReINVESTMe Terms & Conditions for more information.
4 Enrolment will be on an ongoing basis unless terminated or as otherwise set out in the ReINVESTMe Terms & Conditions.
Computershare Clearing Pty Limited ACN: 06 826 228 AFS Licence No: 234715. Yarra Falls 452 Johnston Street Abbotsford, VIC, 3067