As your share plan participants spend more time than ever in the digital world, they are demanding more from companies they interact with when it comes to communications. But what does this mean for employee share plan communications?

Computershare partnered with software vendor Quadient to uncover key engagement opportunities for companies based on changing consumer communication behaviours and preferences.


This report offers insights into:

How employees want to receive communications

Opportunities for companies to improve accessibility and engagement


How to improve communications for employee share plan participants


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Insights snapshot

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    Clear communication, transparency and trust

    Communicating is clearly crucial when it comes to employee share plans. Employees need to trust and understand the share plans and benefits being offered by their employer. Being transparent through all stages of the lifecycle is key to building and retaining this trust. It helps to encourage employees to participate and connect with the company’s employee share plan, which in turn helps build employee loyalty. 

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    Omnichannel experience

    Whilst the communications do play a significant role, it is important that the employee journey to obtain information is easy, reducing the frustration often experienced by digital natives. This means an omnichannel experience is essential to meet employee channel preferences and ensuring they have easy access to all the information they need.

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    Mobile access

    As digital adoption continues to increase, companies need to ensure their digital experiences are easy. Having a strong mobile strategy is key. Computershare has seen the adoption of the EquateMobile app increase over the years, with a 34% increase of active users in 2021 since 2018. 

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